Monday, November 28, 2011


We started out the 55 mile journey to Belmopan by bus. Now the bus leaves Hopkins only TWICE a day: 7am or 2pm. Needless to say we were on the 7am bus. By the time we actually got on the Hummingbird Highway, every seat was taken, and the whole middle aisle was filled with standing passengers, the three of us included. But we didn't care... because our truck was in Belmopan... and having a truck means INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM!

We finally arrived in Belmopan... let's just say we should have taken the Express bus, and not the one that stops for every living thing on the side of the road. When you want to get off the bus... you holler out, or you bang on the roof. If the path to the front door is clogged... you climb over all the passengers, and suitcases piled in front of the emergency exit at the back of the bus, unhook the latch, and jump down to freedom. Eric caught on quite quick! :)
"Is our truck supposed to sound like a lawn mower honey," I asked respectfully. "Man, this thing has no guts," he blurts out obliviously. "Wanna taste the rainbow," Azelia says as she holds up the Skittles bag. "What's that noise," we all say in unison....

A picture is worth a thousand words... but in this case it's only worth four: WE HAVE NO TRUCK! After finally making it home in a truck that would not switch out of first gear, we figure out what really happened: the truck was lent out with out permission before we arrived to a couple of "responsible" guys from Arizona who drove it with no radiator fluid, or transmission fluid until the engine seized and then they conveniently caught a flight home where they arrived as celebrity "need greaters"... ha ha ha wonderful! Needless to say this was NOT a repair we were willing to pay for... so we cut our losses and we take the bus.

But if we had a truck... we would have missed out on seeing April's study Cheryl studying her Watchtower on the way to town! I must not fail to mention that there were four baptized Witnesses on this bus with NO literature! ha ha ha Jehovah gave us a little smack down with Cheryl's good example.
We missed the last bus in to Hopkins (easy to do). So we we got dropped off at the junction with all of our wares, and began walking the 4.5 miles thinking that surely a truck driving by would pick us up before we knew it. Conveniently the first ruck that we hitch-hiked in broke down... and the second one came when we were only about 1/2 a mile from town... we felt justified to eat pasta that evening.


  1. Hi Guys, had dinner with your mom last night, and she shared your blog! So I said sign me up ;-).
    Looks like you are having a real adventure! AMAZING! The whole crowded bus, jumping off thing reminded me of Italy believe it or not........very simular, Crowded, dirty and stops at EVERY place that even smacks of a town! Cant wait to read all your experiences in service. Gives us something to discuss on
    " random Wednesday's ". Much love, kris

  2. I'm very impressed with your great attitudes! I understand the "freedom" part about the truck. I wish there was a way I could help. Hey, you could get scooters; it works for Cathie Dodd!! :)

    Juli Dodd (it posts as unknown, and you know me).
