The first meeting was so exciting I deemed it worthy of two posts :)
The brothers who had them wore full suits (usually they just wear shirt and tie) for the special occasion. And we all tried to get there early to get a seat, because it was soon standing room only!
Sou's study Natasha from Silk Grass. |
Ebony doing what she loves most... singing :) |
The place was packed! We were not sure that the "house" was build to hold that many... ha ha ha |
This is Desi. She just got married, and soon after became a publisher... she is ON FIRE! I wish we could bottle her zeal and sell it! |
Admiring the work they did the night before. |
Rosie and family... some of the many studies who helped with the build... |
Sou and Helen... our Frenchies :) When Helen and her husband Yannick came to Belize 6 years ago, they could barely speak English, now they are conducting numerous studies in English and giving parts on the Theocratic Ministry School... they are great! |
The neighbor, Shirlette, had witnessed our weeks of hard work... she actually let us use her electricity, and store supplies at her house for the build... although she didn't attend the opening day, she stood at her door and waved. |
The DuShey's with TJ and Lacy McManus. They are a wonderful couple from Michigan whose soft-spoken, humble spirit is so endearing! He has been a wonderful asset to the elder body! Both are regular pioneering and focusing on the Mayan field in Belize. |
The woman in the orange on the right is Shawn: one of April's studies to get baptized in Hopkins. |
Ken Usher studied with Aaron... and he nicknamed the DuShey's "Mama and Papa Bear" | (Psalm 27:10) |
Will Shin was visiting from New York and had the privilege of giving the first talk! |
Eric, right where he likes to be... with the Asians :) |
From left to right: Stu (visiting from London), Eric, Harry, Amalia (visiting from Norway), and me... |
Harry even wore his fancy socks for the occasion! |