Friday, June 29, 2012


This is how we do it! Currently there are two couples in Hopkins that have a truck... so when all of us "non-vehicle owners" get offered a ride, we take it! So this is the whole service group piled into the Watkin's truck to head to Silk Grass. This would SO not be legal in the States!

By the way, this is the finished product... the new Kingdom Hall: fully painted, with security bars, rain gutters, a proper fence, stairs, running water, a proper toilet, a freshly poured concrete basketball court, and most importantly a sign!

If this gives you any indication of how packed we were in the truck... I was sitting on Eric's lap taking this picture over my shoulder...

There were 8 of us inside the cab, 2 in the back, and 6 bikes!

Desi Pelayo. She just became a publisher a few months ago. She is on fire for the truth! Little did she know that this afternoon would be her first time biking back to Hopkins from Silk Grass (7 miles: 4 of them on a rocky, pot-holed dirt road with the wind in your face, the other 3 on the main two-lane highway with semis zooming by)... but she did it for Jehovah!
Yes Azelia, it's Shelaine and Sanjay! Sanjay is walking now if you can believe it! And of course he is still breast-feeding every second... 

Our favorite girl Ebony! You can't go out of your house here without running into someone you know... this was a chance meeting with Eb's as I was on my way to study with Rosie, and she was on her way to the store.

Alberta (April's bible study) and her three girls. Sophia, the youngest, graduated from Infant One!

This is Sophia "working" her graduation outfit!

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